Seed Varieties
Bolles CWRS Wheat
Bolles, a high-protein CWRS wheat ideally suited for the milling spring wheat growing areas of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. With short straw, strong yields, high falling numbers and protein, this could be a fit for your farm.
- Consistent Protein and Yield
- 0.8% higher protein than Carberry
- 105% yield of Carberry over 3 yrs
- 109% of Carberry in Zone 2 (Saskatoon, Dauphin)
- Good disease package – MR all rusts
- Semi-dwarf – Good Lodging
- FHB Resistance…solid I
- 1 -2 days later than Carberry
- High falling numbers
- Shows some salinity tolerance
“Bolles was our highest yielding wheat and highest protein in 2019”
– Ken Heaman, Virden MB
Faller Wheat
Faller is a high yielding CNHR spring wheat variety registered in Canada, currently the highest yielding milling wheat in Seed MB 2022. Agronomically and for milling purposes Faller performs much like our current CWRS wheat varieties.
- Very High Yield potential
-20% higher yield than Brandon in
Seed MB 2016 - One day later than Glenn
- Medium Straw Strength
- Good Disease Package
-MR for Leaf Rust
-R/MR for Stem Rust
-I for Bunt
-I for FHB Resistance
-S for Stripe Rust - Protein 1.5% lower than Glenn on Average
Cardale Wheat
Cardale, CWRS wheat from AAFC ideal for those with fusarium concerns in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Falling number seems to stay up as well.
- A cross between McKenzie & Alsen
- Slightly Higher Yielding than checks
- Semi-dwarf – Good Lodging
- FHB Resistance…solid MR
- Good disease package available
- Protein…slightly higher than Coop Checks
- Slightly earlier than Carberry
- Awned Variety/faster drydown
- Decent resistance to shattering(our test)
CONLON, delivering results for over 20 years.
- Bankable bushel weight and kernel size
- Early maturity – spreading out harvest
- Best Ratings for fusarium
- Excellent yield capabilities
- Shorter straw / Good lodging rel. to checks
- Best ratings for net & spot Blotch
- Only Smooth Awned 2-Row Barley
- Less Harvest sprouting issues
- Feed Mills prefer CONLON
CONLON barley has come to be trusted to provide you and I with consistent top yields, best plumpness and bushel weights and the earliest harvest every year!
ORe Level48
Newer oat from Jim Dyck with high plumps and good milling characteristics. Good disease resistance with good lodging.
- MR to Crown Rust
- One day earlier than Summit