About Us

How We Got Started
Seed Depot Corp. is a Manitoba seed company dedicated to the introduction and distribution of seed varieties that are best suited to the needs of farmers and their customers. Seed Depot is committed to only introducing varieties that show exceptional agronomics for farmers and at the same time exceptional quality for their customers … bankable performance every year! Founded by the late John Smith these ideas and values are the core of our business model.
We are active farmers ourselves and know the importance of variety choice…we try to deliver new varieties that work hard for farmers and end users alike. Let’s always remember we are in this together.
Seed Depot is a new company, but it is owned by a family that has farmed the W½ of 6-3-10 since 1879, and continues to farm today.
Seed Depot Corp. is operated from this farm, located near Pilot Mound in south-central Manitoba.
Our Mission
Seed Depot is committed to providing our customers with high-value crop varieties that best meet the demands of the marketplace. We will give responsive, enthusiastic support to our grower-retailers, and together we will provide the highest value product with the best possible service, always linking our growth to the future needs of our customers.
Our People

Walter Smith
Seed Depot - CEO
(204) 825-2000
Cell: (204) 825-7810
Celebrating Ten Years … by giving back:
We are celebrating our tenth year anniversary by partnering with yourselves and the Canadian Food Grains Bank to provide seed for 2013 (and beyond) CFGB growing projects. Beginning with 2013, Seed Depot will work with participating Dealers to make our varieties available free of charge to the CFGB growing projects.
In 2013 we will make CONLON barley and Souris oats available and in 2014 we will be making Cardale wheat available for Manitoba Growing Projects. We hope to eventually expand this offer to Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Here is how we see it working:
- A Local Canadian Food Grains Growing Project decides they would like to use our variety for their project.
- CFG grower group or Dealer goes to our website and prints and fills out a “CFGB Seed Request Form”. This form will indicate the type and amount of seed needed along with the preferred dealer and the grower group contact person.
- This form will be faxed to Seed Depot and we will contact the dealer.
- The dealer would then provide the requested seed and we would compensate the dealer by paying him the wholesale cost of the seed provided.
Please note that in 2013 The Canadian Food grains Bank themselves are celebrating 30 years in 2013 and have introduced a special “Grow 30 Acres for the CFGB” program. There may be a few of your customers who would like to participate-we could donate the seed if your customers are interested.